About Us

Gardin launched in February, 2016 with the mission to empower individuals to grow life where they live, whether inside a small apartment, in a suburban backyard, or in a commercial greenhouse. We offer the full range of premium hobbyist and commercial supplies necessary to do so, including: seeds, soil, nutrients, lighting, hydroponic equipment and more. Most important, we provide the critical knowledge and support to empower our customers to grow anything, anywhere.
Our goal is always to offer the best indoor & outdoor gardening supplies at the best prices for all experience levels whether beginner hobbyist, or commercial grower. Additionally, we are staffed by expert growers with a full range of knowledge - from aeroponics to organic soil growing, and everything in between.
We are passionate growers who strive to grow the best quality plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and medicine possible. We love nothing more than to share that same inspiration and passion with others in our community driven to grow anything, anywhere. We started Gardin to empower our community to succeed at achieving that goal by providing the best products, at the best prices. We've tested and evaluated countless product in search of finding the best products on earth for our growers. Only those that we truly love and use ourselves are available to you, our community, to grow life where you live.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at team@gard.in or calling us at 781-277-4887. We love talking to our community and look forward to hearing from you.
- The Gardin Team