December 29, 2018 Cost: FREE!!!
Learn, Celebrate, Network & Win growing gear in our FREE raffle! Winter growing in New England can be tough, but it also can be the time of year to reach your highest quality yield. Talk shop, listen in on a Winter Growing panel, and talk with vendors about their products and how to best use them.
Join us and many of the top industry products, commercial growers, genetics producers, and growing professionals including Nectar for the Gods, Mammoth P Microbes, Hawthorne Distribution, Science Rain, Fish Farms, and more.
We will be raffling over $1,000 and it is totally free to attend and participate. Our grand prizes will include a $469 Ceramic grow light kit and more. Even if you don't win the raffle grand prizes, free grab bags and samples will be aplenty so no one goes home empty handed.